What's your take on the Top 10 Driving Etiquette Mistakes and Misdemeanors? And what do you call the people who commit them?
Here’s my take on it! You may beg to differ, and you can do so by posting your comments at the end of this blog.
1. Lane Drifters. Drivers who don’t stay in their own lane and mindlessly drift over the white lines on the highway. Not only is this rude, it’s extremely dangerous and should be a crime punishable by high fines and misdemeanors.
2. Tailgaters. Again, rude and dangerous drivers. Tailgating causes the most serious of accidents. The worst tailgaters are so close you can’t even see their headlights!
3. The No-Win Mergers -- Drivers who merge onto a divided highway at a low speed with no regard for the cars already traveling in the right hand lane. If you wait for them, they slow down even more, and if you speed up to safely pass them, they speed up too.